Everyone (and we mean EVERYONE) recognizes Amazon as the “King of the Hill” when it comes to online e-commerce. The odds are pretty good that even if you don’t purchase everything – or nearly everything – you buy online directly from...
Developed by Father Christopher White, The Faith Diet is a powerful new tool in the battle against the bulge. If you are someone who has tried a number of different diets over the years, it stands to reason that you are...
Healing after an affair is never simple, straightforward, or all that easy. Trust is broken, fundamental truths about your relationship will have been devastated, and both parties are going to feel a fair share of mixed feelings about the other –...
Thousands of people in the US alone have been learning the ancient craft of beekeeping, not only to help support the dwindling population of our honeybees but also to pad their pockets with plenty of profit as the “shop local” movement...
How to achieve financial freedom and become a rich person? Confucius said – choose your job that you will like, and you won’t have to work a single day in your life. A wonderful expression, isn’t it true dear readers? Many...